The Taylors have experience speaking to conferences, churches, businesses, large and small groups, as well as conducting trainings for both the public and private sectors.
Designing Your Relationship
Marriage & Remarriage Preparation
Healthy Relationships
Stepfamily Conferences
Temperament Identification
However, if you have a topic in mind, please contact them. They are available to come as a team, or individually. For information regarding scheduling and fees and additional topics: Contact
Disillusioned and unsatisfied? Frustrated and worn out? Putting in a lot of effort with too little return? Reboot! Rediscover what attracted you to your mate and design your dream together.
Learn how your differences that cause conflict can be resources: male/female, personality types and communication styles. Understand how your personal history and expectations are impacting the current state of your relationship. Gain new perspectives and a greater appreciation of yourself and your partner.
Build intimacy intentionally by climbing the 10-step "Intimacy Ladder:" Spiritual, Recreational, Intellectual, Aesthetic, Work, Emotional, Financial, Conflict, Crisis, and Sexual intimacy.
Discover that 1 + 1 can = 3.....a new view of what "oneness" can mean in marriage.
The impact of designing your marriage will extend beyond your marital relationship to family, friends, and co-workers; as you solidify the foundation that supports everything else in your life
Marriage is risky, remarriage even more so because it is vastly different. It is of supreme importance to invest time, energy and money into one of the most significant decisions of one's life. Acquire the skills needed to assure your success.
Preparation starts with self-discovery; identifying your "non-negotiables" (values, beliefs, and practical items) that are crucial. These usually don't get talked about when courting and will determine the viability of a relationship (whether to dump or develop it). Learn how to skillfully uncover the "non-negotiables" of your partner. Time…space…money…maintenance…sex….and spirituality.
Another crucial part of preparation is learning the territory of a stepfamily – whether born of divorce or death. Bringing together previous relationships, children, ex-spouses, finances, and possessions is no easy task. How to determine a plan for the future is addressed.
This process will develop trust and intimacy. Ten (10) areas of intimacy development are overviewed: spiritual, recreational, intellectual, work, aesthetic, emotional, financial, conflict, crisis, and sexual. Also, in what order they develop and how this building true intimacy can be sabotaged.
Preparation is most effective when it begins prior to a committed relationship, however, regardless of what stage your relationship is in, tackling these issues is always valuable.
Healthy relationships are made up of two healthy people who understand, value, and respect one another's differences.
Learn the "lenses" (differences) through which each individual sees life.
These basic "lenses" affect our values, language, emotions, decision-making process, how we handle stress, and fight with each other. Embracing these differences make relationships more satisfying and fun.
Create a healthy relationship by climbing the "Intimacy Ladder." Ten (10) areas of intimacy development are overviewed: spiritual, recreational, intellectual, work, aesthetic, emotional, financial, conflict, crisis, and sexual. Also, in what order they develop and how this can be sabotaged
Few challenges in life are greater than bringing the pieces of two broken families together. Different backgrounds and experiences, multiple issues, past hurts, high hopes and pre-existing relationships join together and usually produce confusion and pain. You may be in a Stepfamily System and not even know it.
Are you are thinking about getting remarried or a professional who is or would like to deal effectively with Stepfamilies? Knowing what to expect and what is normal for a stepfamily can reduce the pressure of unrealistic expectations. Understanding the territory and the skills required to negotiate the journey facilitates the new family's development and promotes more lasting success.
Who am I? Who are you? Who are all these people around me and why don't they see life like I do?
Discover your own unique personality and individual style in a fun, informative, interactive, energizing and entertaining process. Using the TRUE COLORS format you will learn to value and appreciate who you are and how you operate. It doesn't stop there. You will discover, experience, and appreciate those with different temperaments (personalities and styles).
By valuing the differences, creating harmony can be a reality whether in your marriage, family, friendships, or workplace.
This workshop is based on the sound and extensive research behind the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and "Please Understand Me" by Kiersey and Bates. This training is applicable to business and personal settings.